Paper: What is the Problem of Gender Inequality Represented to be in Inter-National Development Policy in Burkina Faso?

Mawa Karambiri, Alizée H. G. Ville, Grace Y. Wong, Amanda Jimenez-Aceituno, Andrea Downing & Maria Brockhaus. (2024). What is the Problem of Gender Inequality Represented to be in Inter-National Development Policy in Burkina Faso?, Forum for Development Studies.

Paper: Environmental Justice and Human Well-being Bundles in Protected Areas: An Assessment in Campo Ma’an Landscape, Cameroon

Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Catherine M. Hepp, Laetitia M. Adjoffoin, Corine Ehowe, Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Grace Y. Wong. (2024). Environmental justice and human well-being bundles in protected areas: An assessment in Campo Ma’an landscape, Cameroon. Forest Policy and Economics.

Book chapter: Crises, Complexities and Claims in Protected Areas – Landscape of (In) Coherent Biodiversity Governance and Social-Environmental Injustice in Southwest Cameroon

Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Julius Chupezi Tieguhong, Grace Wong and Maria Brockhaus. (2023) Crises, complexities and claims in protected areas: Landscapes of (in)coherent biodiversity governance and social-environmental injustice in Southwest Cameroon. In Ongolo, S., & Krott, M. (Eds.) Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability (1st ed.). Routledge, London.

Book chapter: State of Congo Basin Forests on Local Communities and Indigenous Rights in Central Africa

Raphael Tsanga, Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Guillaume Lescuyer, Cédric Vermeulen, David Andrew Wardell, Marie-Ange Kalenga, Laurence Boutinot, Phil René Oyono, Gretchen Walters, Olivier Hymas, Fernande Abanda Ngono, Jean-Claude Nguinguiri, Eugenio Sartoretto, Sandra Ratiarison. (2022). Congo Basin Forests – State of the Forests 2021