Paper: Environmental Justice and Human Well-being Bundles in Protected Areas: An Assessment in Campo Ma’an Landscape, Cameroon

Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Catherine M. Hepp, Laetitia M. Adjoffoin, Corine Ehowe, Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Grace Y. Wong. (2024). Environmental justice and human well-being bundles in protected areas: An assessment in Campo Ma’an landscape, Cameroon. Forest Policy and Economics.

Book chapter: Crises, Complexities and Claims in Protected Areas – Landscape of (In) Coherent Biodiversity Governance and Social-Environmental Injustice in Southwest Cameroon

Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Julius Chupezi Tieguhong, Grace Wong and Maria Brockhaus. (2023) Crises, complexities and claims in protected areas: Landscapes of (in)coherent biodiversity governance and social-environmental injustice in Southwest Cameroon. In Ongolo, S., & Krott, M. (Eds.) Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability (1st ed.). Routledge, London.

Blog post about land grabbing in Cameroon

Researcher Niina Pietarinen, who was with FairFrontiers researchers during their first trip to Cameroon, explains some of the implications of land grabbing for local communities in West Cameroon in a blog post published by the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.